Enterprise Resource Planning

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What opportunities does the digital age present in supply management?

Meet the supply needs of the future in digital technology today

By raising the expectations of digital transformation supply management, it ensures more efficient use of resources, faster processes, and continuity in production and profitability in your business. Integration with the ERP system prevents the emergence of high efficiency and errors in the automation workflow process. Capture the power of digital transformation with our solutions that your business needs. We are always with you.

What are the best business processes in procurement management?

Korgün ERP
Delays in your orders, not being able to deliver products to customers on time, losses in the supply process are the most important obstacles in front of you. The procurement process must be well planned in order to ensure that the right product reaches the customer at the right time, at the right price and at the lowest cost.
It helps you to run your business in a fast and healthy way by improving your processes such as order, purchase, work order, approval, delivery, correct communication with its innovative solutions on the online platform over the web.
It is fully integrated with our ERP software and displays all your company's data from anywhere.
Loss of communication with companies, wrong order submission approval mechanism, reduces costs and risks by getting rid of problems and establishing closer relationships.
Whether your business activity is to produce or sell, the process cycle begins with product purchase and consists of a chain from suppliers to manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers, retailers and finally consumers. It is important to follow all the supply processes correctly in order to determine the necessary raw material supply and distribution channels for the product to be produced, and finally to meet the wholesaler and retailer companies with the product to the end consumer.

Why should I use a supplier?

Together with the supplier, you can correctly manage your business processes by transitioning to digital transformation, while growing your business, your costs will decrease and your profitability will increase. In the dynamic structure and sudden changes of the market, your competition with other players becomes stronger.
Korgün ERP
It provides effective management of stock and warehouse by reducing delays in product delivery.
It ensures the correct planning of supply and delivery times.
It ensures the flow of information within the company by providing communication between different departments such as product development, marketing, operations and finance.
It allows you to keep your storage costs under control by managing your stocks correctly.
It provides high customer satisfaction as the right product is delivered to the customer.