Commercial Business Management

KG Herme

It is designed to be easy and fast to adapt with a user-friendly interface to meet all financial transaction and report needs of small and medium businesses
Barcode sales, stock tracking, daily financial transactions provide more active and efficient management.

It provides solutions for Stock, Current, Cash, Bank, Waybill, Invoice, Check, Promissory Note, Foreign Currency, Marketing, Purchase Order needs.

Get started with HERME and increase productivity in your business

Manage your business processes faster and easier
Save time in your business with its integrated and easy-to-use
Increase your customer satisfaction
Provide instant status control with management reporting

What Benefits?

Instant Monitoring of Firm Stocks
Check-Voucher Tracking
Tracking Orders
In Stock Matrix Structure (Color+Size)
Bank Tracking
e-Invoice and e-Archive
In Which Location Is The Searched Product?
Tracking Income and Expenses
Mobile Management of Locations
Credit Card Transactions
Current - Invoice - Waybill Tracking